Ascension and Music

We will speak now on music, because music is a magical ascension tool for those who understand it. When you listen to music, you actually tune into a field of frequency, just as one tunes their dial to a radio station. You then merge with this station, and become one with its mood. If you write music...then you’re a creator of this mood and level of frequency. You then experience a level of oneness with the frequency of this music. You feel it, and feeling is the only reason people listen.

This is a great power. It does not matter if you’re the creator of this field of frequency, or the listener tuning in to merge with it. As we said, “you feel it, and feeling is the only reason people listen”.  If it’s intelligent or wise…you understand it, because even intelligence and wisdom has a rhythm. The question is, ”what do you want to feel?”…and if you’re a composer “what do you want to make people feel?” This is vital because most people are unaware of it….but feeling designs the body. It reshapes the cells and touches every particle. This is a spiritual fact that even modern science confirms. The majority of the body is water, and most of you ascenders are aware at this time that feeling changes the structure of water in the body, and can heal…or hurt. This occurs because the water and cells of the body are molded and moved by your energy. Your energy is influenced and reflects your feelings. Sound is unseen energy which taps your feeling centers, and these centers in turn tap everything from your fluids and cells, to particles…and can literally change your dna. Energy persuades, changes, and moves matter. Mind persuades, changes, and moves energy. That pitch that can crack glass is real, just as the snake charmers flute is, and this is why you get up with the impulse to dance, bop your head, or sing along.

This is vital, because most people aren’t truly conscious of the power of music. They may listen to, dance along, and sing with that song they like, but few are conscious of how deep it really goes. As a fully conscious being…you will be, and perhaps already are. If you enjoy movies, and you watched a movie that didn’t have a single piece of music in it, you’d notice something rather strange about that movie. Music is a vibration tuning fork that amps up the mood of intense scenes, and you’d notice there was no tuning fork. The better the music, the more you feel the scene, and this music must match the scene. Flowery flute music won’t work during the intense action scene, just as hardcore rock won’t work during the passionate love scene. There’s no difference in your real life moods, but one of the things most of society fails to understand, is that they make their moods, and they have a choice…unlike watching that movie on screen. You live in a world where most music is created with low frequency sound that those in higher realms and states of mind have no interest in. It influences one’s frequency field of life, and keeps them in that state. People tend to listen to what they’re feeling, as most composers tend to compose what people listen to. This results in nothing more than writers and listeners staying in the same field of frequency with no ascension towards higher vibratory levels of music. An example is what many of those people refer to as “love songs”, when in fact, the majority of them are misery songs. Most of the love songs today are about broken hearts and love not working out, rather than being aligned with a love field that actually is working. A true love song should put one in the frequency field of “love”….instead of moans of disappointment. Constantly listening to this does nothing more than sync one with a vibrational timeline of never having that true love, or the infallible destiny of a broken heart.  Then so many wonder why they can’t find their true love. They can begin by not listening to frequency fields of “not finding true love”, because true love doesn’t live there. You can’t find something in a place it doesn’t dwell. Most of society tends to listen to what they feel, which includes miserable heartbroken music when they feel miserable and heartbroken, when in reality it should be the opposite that they listen to at these times. Music is a rhythmic vibration tuner, and if one wants happiness…then they should tune to the rhythm of happiness….not misery. As creators you are not helpless leafs blowing in the energy feeling winds of life. You are choice makers and energy field creators.

If one wants things to work for them, then they should listen to music that works for them. If one wants true love, then they should listen to music about true love. Not music about how the one they love doesn’t notice them….or broke their heart…or can’t be trusted…or is with someone else. Understand that everything has a frequency, and every frequency produces a sound. This includes objects as well as events. Even intelligence and wisdom has a sound. One who wants to develop theirs should find and listen to the music of intelligence and wisdom. This may sound strange to some, but the magic of music is that it isn’t as limited as the average radio station designed to keep people in one low frequency band makes it out to be. There is nothing that music and song can’t be designed to tune one into. It is not restricted to relationships not working, life’s hardships, or how someone rocked the party. This isn’t even a small fraction of one percent of the magic of music.

Music can be used to tune one into the rhythm of the Universe, exercise, play, painting, sculpting, meditating, healing, levitating, creating the future, enlightening, revealing hidden secrets, relieving stress, sleeping well, opening portals to ascension, and more! It has the power to charm far more than the serpent, and is a magical tool for developing inner vision and the powers of manifestation. Use your inner vision. Do not feel sight with music only comes from your video channels, because you have your own video channel…right between your eyes. What imaginings make you feel bliss? Does imagining flying through the clouds and about the stars make you feel good? How about having all you want? Then do so. There’s music for it out there, and all you have to do is listen, dream, and feel. Do not add this up to be nothing more than fantasy, because the feeling of freedom and bliss it provides for you will translate into the daily life you call “reality”. Through this you’ll ascend to the truth that true reality isn’t the way things are. True reality is the power to make things what you want them to be.

To musicians…we tell you that you have an incredibly magical gift. Sound is an unseen force which the world never thinks of. No one has ever seen a sound, and there are people who listen to music every day of their lives, and never realize they are feeling or moving to something they can’t see. A sculptor sculpts clay…and you sculpt sound. This force that’s never seen yet moves the world. And as you ascend with your ability to mould/(mold) sound, you’ll have the power to help others ascend through your gift as well. You have the power to move people, as well as animals, plants, and all other creatures. This goes deeper than most would ever imagine, and we’re doing nothing more than touching the surface here. Those of you who aren’t musicians still possess the same power. You use it each time you speak…. and the true understanding of this dwells in your Ascension Mind.