UFO Disclosure

Ufo disclosure. “When will UFO disclosure occur?”…..is the question so many are asking these days. This is a good question, and we will answer this question the same way we’ve always answered it. Ufo disclosure will occur…..as soon as you start disclosing it. It always does…and always has.

We’re well aware of the fact that this is not the answer people usually expect, but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s still the truth. The thing that those who ask this question must understand is that they already know they exist. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be asking this question. They’d be asking “do UFO's really exist?” instead. But this isn’t what they ask. “When will UFO disclosure occur?”, is what they ask. This is a question only one who already knows they’re real asks.

Ascensionminds is here for the awakening of consciousness. With this awakening comes seeing the obvious. More people are asking this question these days than ever before. Why? The answer is simple. They ask…..because it’s been disclosed to them. It doesn’t matter if it came from their inner God voice, first hand contact….or the words of others. More people are asking this question than ever before, and less and less people are calling those who believe in them “crazy”. There was a time when the average person would say one who does…was. This has reduced in vast numbers. Who caused this reduction? That’s another question with a simple answer. The disclosers did. You see…..disclosure has been happening…and continues to every day.

We’re also aware that many who ask this question want to know when leaders will come forward and inform their people that they aren’t alone in the Universe. This is like a person having a red apple on their table, and wanting to know when someone else will inform people that they have a red apple on their table. It’s their table. They can inform people that they have a red apple on it themselves. And just as it’s their table….the world they live in which Ufos have been (like the red apple) on for ages….is theirs as well. Waiting for someone else to inform people that you have an apple on your table when you have the power to do this yourself…..is giving them your power. Giving one your power is giving them power over you…and they enjoy having power over you. That’s why they aren’t disclosing anything. Are you beginning to understand this? Asking the question…is the very reason it’s not occurring. When all who ask this question stop asking it, and start disclosing it…those you call “leaders”, will come out to disclose it in a flash.

As we said above…. “disclosure has been happening…and continues to every day”. The disclosure team has been here for ages. This is why more people ask this question than ever before in the world, and more than half the people of your world will answer “I don’t know” or “I believe there is” when asked if they believe there’s life in the Universe. The disclosure team has caused this…not those leaders people want to come out and admit this. The illusion that swamps the minds of most who ask this question…is that they fail to see this. And those leaders they’re hoping will tell the world they have an apple on their table…enjoy this failure of insight. If you feel passionate about the world fully awakening to this….feel free to join the (Real!!) disclosure team. It’s an incredible team. Vast amounts of normal citizens worldwide, along with ufologists, Archangels, Earth Masters, Ascended Masters, Mother Earth, The Universe/God, and the Ufos themselves are on the team. It’s a winning team…..and the vast amounts of those believing in it which increases day by day is proof of it. Feel free to become a part of it if you’d ever like.